Efficient Search by Combination of Parts/Reading/Strokes

You can refine the search criteria by reading, strokes and their combination(AND conditions), in addition to parts.

You can search characters even if you don't know the character's exact strokes, because you can specify the range of strokes. For example, if you input "kann 舟 =20~25" as the search criteria, you can refine search the one character "艦". As for the kanji character "艦", its reading is "kann", its strokes are in the range of 20-25, and it includes the part "舟".

Searched Kanji, Reading: kann, Including Parts: 舟, Strokes: 20-25
Searched Kanji, Reading: kann, Including Parts: 舟, Strokes: 20-25

If you want to search the complicated character "鬱" in the word "憂鬱 (yuu-utsu or gloom)", you can refine the search results sufficiently just by inputting the distinctive parts "木 缶 木". You don't have to input all the parts of the character as the search criteria.

Searched Kanji 鬱 by Characters 木, 缶 and 木
Searched Kanji "鬱" by Characters "木", "缶" and "木"

You can also search symbols easily. If you input "○ 3" as the search criteria, you can find "Circled number 3". If you input "A ○" as the criteria, you can find "Å". In this way, you can easily input European characters such as alphabets with umlaut mark or grave accent.

Symbols including A and ○
Symbols including "A" and "○"