Detailed: Find Kanji
You can search kanji characters through the reading of kanji, the approximate strokes or the component parts.
- Click 〈Search〉 tab.
The window for the search criteria appears.
- Input the search criteria.
† In the following directions, the letter "n" and "m" represent number.
- 〈Hiragana〉
To refine the search by reading.
- 〈Katakana〉
To search kanji characters with Katakana-like component parts.
- n
To search kanji characters with n strokes' component part.
- 〈Kanji〉
To search kanji characters with your selected/inputted kanji as the component parts.
- 〈Kanji 1〉-〈Kanji 2〉
To search kanji characters with the component parts, while the component parts of 〈Kanji 2〉 are deleted from the counterparts of 〈Kanji 1〉.
† You can use the Japanese prolonged sound mark "ー", instead of "-".
- 〈Kanji〉*n
〈Kanji〉×n -
To search kanji characters with n pieces of 〈Kanji〉 as the component part.
- =n
To refine search kanji characters with n strokes as the total number of strokes.
- =n+m
To refine search kanji characters, while the total number of strokes is n strokes or more, and n+m strokes or less.
- =n-m
To refine search kanji characters, while the total number of strokes is n-m strokes or more, and n strokes or less.
- =n+-m
=n±m -
To refine search kanji characters, while the total number of strokes is n-m strokes or more, and n+m strokes or less.
- =n~m
To refine search kanji characters, while the total number of strokes is n strokes or more, and m strokes or less.
- .(Period)
。(Ideographic full stop or Japanese full stop) -
To search only kanji characters matching the specified criteria.
† When you input the multiple search criteria, please input the space character among the criteria.
† Drag the radical or parts from [Parts] list to input the search criteria. You can also drag the radical or parts from the other windows.
† Regarding [Parts] list, in addition to the classification of parts in Kouki jiten and general kanwa dictionaries, frequently-used kanji and parts for the search criteria are listed in strokes' order.
† Please note that there is a difference between "n" and "=n". To search kanji characters with n strokes' component part, use "n". To refine search kanji characters with n strokes as the total number of strokes, use "=n".
† As symbols, you can use fullwidth characters such as "-", "=", "*" and "+", instead of halfwidth characters such as "-", "=", "*" and "+".
† As numbers, you can use fullwidth numeric characters "0123456789" instead of halfwidth numeric characters "01234567890".
† Super Kanji Search searches the variant characters of your selected parts at the same time. For example, if the part "豊" is selected, Super Kanji Search searches the kanji characters with "豐", the variant character of "豊".
† To use your search history, click
at the rightmost of "Search keys:" field. Select the criteria from the list.
† Your search history includes the last 10 criteria.
† If you exit Super Kanji Search, your search history is wiped out.
- Click [Search] button.
You can find the characters meeting the search criteria.† Double-click the character to look up the character information on 〈Information〉 tab.
† The following colors are used for indicating each character type.
Character Color Character Type 日本基本:Basic Japanese (JIS Level 1/ Level 2) 日本基本:Basic Japanese (JIS Level 3) 日本基本:Basic Japanese (JIS Level 4) 日本補助:Auxiliary Japanese GT 大漢和辞典/その他:Daikanwa Dictionary/Others 中国:Chinese 韓国:Korean 台湾:Taiwanese 各国:Unicode
How to Specify the Search Range
You can specify the searchable character range.
† You can speed up the search time by limiting the searchable character range. This method may become more effective when the search criteria are complicated.
- Click [Setting] at 〈Search〉 tab.
The setting dialog appears.
- Select the check boxes of character type you want to search.
- Click [Apply].
How to Save the Search Results
You can save the search results as a text file.
- Click the right mouse button on Character List Area you want to save. Select [Save] and then select [1 page] or [All pages].
† Select [1 page] to save the search results of the displayed range. Select [All pages] to save all results.
- The dialog for saving appears.
Input the file name. Select the folder and file format. Click [Save].
† Select "Shift_JIS", "UTF-8" or "Unicode(UTF-16LE)" as a file format.
† If the character is not included in Shift JIS or Unicode, the character is represented as a text format(&Tzzyyyy;) of TRON Code.
Search Examples
† The following search examples are just a part of the search results. As the search range, "Basic Japanese" is selected in the setting dialog. The following search results are the characters in JIS Level 1.
- To search kanji characters with "口" and 9 strokes' component part.
Keys: 口 9
Results: 韻噂嘉額顎… - To search kanji characters with "口" and 9 strokes as the total number of strokes.
Keys: 口 =9
Results: 哀姶咽姻音… - To search kanji characters with 2 pieces of "木" as the component part.
Keys: 木*2
Results: 欝禁襟梱森… - To search kanji characters with the component part, while "イ" is deleted from "倹".
Keys: 倹-イ
Results: 倹剣検険験… - To search kanji characters with "虎" and "号" as the component parts.
Keys: 虎 号
Results: 號饕… - To search kanji characters matching the specified criteria, only "虎" and "号".
Keys: 虎 号 .
Results: 號