Super Kanji Search uses the TRON code as the character coding scheme. Thanks to TRON code, Super Kanji Search can handle characters which are not supported by Windows.

TRON Code is represented in two writing ways.

x-yyyyx: Plane Number
(decimal notation)
yyyy: Position in Plane
(hexadecimal notation)
zz: Last 2 Digits of Language Designated Code
(hexadecimal notation)

The first plane(x=1) corresponds to 21(zz=21), the last 2 digits of the language designated code. For example, the TRON code for the character "漢" is represented in "1-3441" or "&T213441;".

For more information on TRON code, refer to "What is TRON code?" of "Super Kanji V" online manual (written in Japanese).